Friday, August 22, 2008

Funny things about the trip…

  • We have dubbed Steve Shell as “Shellvis” because he caused a girl to swoon.
  • Dave tends to release gas loudly in his sleep, so we have diagnosed him with “Somulent Flatulence” and have prescribed him some “Flatulex PM.”
  • Shellvis has been deemed as “leader of funny” by Santino, and Jason is “deputy of funny.”
  • Right before we gathered for one of the story teachings, we blew up a whoopi cushion and slid it into Dave’s seat right as he was sitting down. I have never seen that look on his face! Ha ha.
  • We told Santino that a Black Mamba or “Pien” had slithered into his tent and hid under his mat. It was dark outside and as he tremulously began lifting the mat I went over and shook the tent while screaming/roaring loudly. He about died of fear! = )
  • We taught the Dinkas to go around saying “whoop whoop!”
  • One night I thought a man was trying to tell me that he wanted to be “close to me” , when all he really wanted was “clothes from me” for his wife.

Dave being cool

Jason demonstrating how to use a squatty potty

The leader of funny

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