Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Somewhere in the world…

Well, now is later and we have a…situation, let’s say, on the plane. Next to the door of the plane. CROAK! Oh Lord, please protect us! There is man camped out next to one of the doors of this large plane and has been threatening to open the door. I did not know this when I walked up that way to use the bathroom. He saw me, put his hand on the door handle and said, “See! They’re trying to tough me and to get me!” I stopped dead in my tracks and said, “No I’m not. I’m leaving.” Which I promptly did, as the passengers around him were covertly pointing me back to my seat. Welllllah. The flight attendant assured us that it is impossible for the door to be opened at this point due to pressure and ice. According to movies, he should be able to just pop that door right off, but we all know how “accurate” movies can be. I feel sad for this man. He seems either demon possessed or mentally ill, which would probably be the result of demon possession anyway. I never thought I’d be writing about this in this book, but I guess that is the beauty of it…so unpredictable.

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