Monday, September 22, 2008

Best moment in Sudan…

…we were in Raja fulfilling our last story teaching stop to a group of people who lived way out in the bush and had a haunting look of desperation and loneliness. After the “Creation” story, the “Fall of Man” story and the “Birth of Christ” story was shared with them, Shelvis asked them if they had any questions or observations. An ancient man raised his hand and proceeded to tell us that in Dinka culture, when someone gets lost in the bush and cannot find the way back to the campground, the villagers beat a loud drum until the person returns safely. The old man associated Christ’s salvation of lost people to their tradition! God’s truth had been in their culture for centuries, and at that moment he chose to reveal himself to them for the very first time. May they hear his drum and find their way to the Kingdom home.

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